Our professional editing package offers colleges extraordinarily rich and sophisticated footage: the full 23-37 hours of footage resulting from a three-month professional field shoot - digitized and sequenced, with hundreds of pages of background information, translated interviews, issue summaries, and flowcharts.



  • 37 hours of digitized hi-definition footage (lightly compressed) - available for PCs and Macs (sample)

  • 300 pages of in-depth summaries of the footage, including issues, character resumes, and background information (sample)

  • Transcripts of 18 interviews translated from 5 original languages.

  • Bullet-point story list summarizing major issues, storylines, and connections (sample)

  • Flowcharts by story category (sample)

  • Website with forums, video posting, wikis, and other collaborative tools

Cuba (footage used to produce Cuba's Secret Side - a 2-hour public television documentary series)

  • 23 hours of digitized hi-definition footage - available for PCs and Macs

  • 150 pages of in-depth summaries of the footage, including issues, character resumes, and background

  • Transcripts of all interviews translated from original language.

  • Flowcharts by story category

  • Website with forums, video posting, wikis, and other collaborative tools


Please download and test our sample clips before sending your hard drive!

Test clip for WMV (PC-based)     DOWNLOAD

Test clip for MOV (Mac-based)      DOWNLOAD


Once you have determined what format you want, you will be asked to:

  1. Accept the one-year, non-exclusive, non-commercial license to the footage

    This is a one-year, non-commercial, non-exclusive, single-classroom license. Footage and any derivative products may be used only for educational purposes and must adhere to the mission, vision, and values of Take 2. Footage or derivative products cannot be used for commercial gain, either through direct sale, exhibition, public performance, rental, or broadcast without the explicit permission of Take 2.
  2. Tell us what format you want (based on your your sample clip test).

  3. Choose a region (Sudan/Cuba)

  4. Pay our introductory one-year licensing fee of $995. fee schedule

  5. Send us a hard drive for dubbing.

The drive will be returned to you within 2-3 weeks.